Price : $499
Start Date : TBD
End Date : TBD
Author : Vu LAB Trainings
Tecwallet Funds available: $0
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Student will work indepth into the following topics:
Boot strapping Spring using Java Config, XML Config
Spring Dependency Injection with annotations
Spring Aspect Oriented Programming with annotations
Hibernate Object Relational Mapping Tool (ORM)
Data modeling for oracle, mysql, sql server and converting data model to physical schema
Generating JPA annotated domain objects from your database schema
Automation with Hibernate tools or JPA tools
Hibernate integration with Spring for transaction management and dependency injection
Do not repeat your DAO's using Spring Data JPA framework
Unit testing Spring applications witih JUnit
Spring Security (ACEGI Security)
Deploying to application servers like Tomcat, JBoss, Websphere, Weblogic
Spring JDBC
Spring JMS (Java Messaging Service) covering JMS Queue, JMS Topic
WebServices (Contract First, Contract Last, Rest Style WebServices)
Apache CXF webservices, Apache Axis2 webservices.
Creation of WSDL and XML Schema manually or using tools
Spring WebServices (Contract First Approach)
Deploying web applications to Jboss application server
Configuring JDBC, JMS Queue and JMS Topic in Jboss application server
Spring MVC integration with AJAX Frameworks like jQuery, and Angular JS.
Spring best practices in real world.
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